
Energy + Zen = The Perfect Mixture

It’s time to talk about one of the most important vitamins: B12. Vitamin B-12 is an essential vitamin that studies show over 50% are deficient below the “normal” ranges. Beyond that, almost everyone is below the OPTIMAL range which is where true health really thrives. Since B12 is essential, it means it is required by the human body to function. Vitamin B-12 Plays an important role in our brain function, immune system, skin and hair health, and the aging process. It is used in regimens created to aid with high cholesterol, IBS, sleep disorders, inflammation and more. Our B-vitamin drops are a convenient way to supplement daily Vitamin B-12 levels and absorb quickly into the system being that they are in liquid form. Vitamin B12 is an essential addition so general health and wellness lines, and is especially important for those following a vegan or vegetarian diet.

B12 is also essential for synthesizing DNA and RNA, maintaining the nervous system, producing hemoglobin, energy, memory, bone health, and more. Why is this so important to talk about? Because our ability to absorb this B Vitamin can actually get more difficult as we age. About 5-20% of seniors (depending on where you live) are deficient in B12.


Who should take supplements of vitamin B12:

-Vegans and vegetarians
-People over 50 whose blood test documents a B12 deficiency
-People who have pernicious anemia
-People who have undergone some surgical gastric procedure, such as gastric stapling or resection.
-People who chronically take proton pump inhibitors such as omeprazole (Prilosec) and lansoprazole (Prevacid), or H2 receptor antagonists such as cimetidine (Tagamet), famotidine (Pepcid), and ranitidine (Zantac).


Now The Fun Part: The Benefits:

  1. YOUR MEMORY- Some research suggests that a vitamin B12 deficiency is linked to dementia and memory problems.
  2. YOUR SKIN- People with a B12 deficiency often look pale or have a slight yellow tinge to their skin (jaundice). Glitches in your body’s red blood cell production affect the size and strength of these cells. They may be too big to travel in your body, resulting in pale skin. If they are too fragile, they may break down and cause an excess of bilirubin, which results in an orange-yellow skin tone. But a healthy, non-orange glow is one of the surprising vitamin B12 benefits.
  3. YOUR EYES- B12 benefits is our vision, and vitamin B12 deficiency is typically related to nervous system damage that affects the optic nerve leading up to the eye.
  4. YOUR FITNESS- Tingling and numbness may be among the first signs of B12-related nerve damage, but if it continues unaddressed, it can alter the way you move.
  5. YOUR NERVOUS SYSTEM- Vitamin B12 benefits your nervous system directly and keeps it in tip-top shape; when this nutrient is in short supply, you may develop that annoying “pins and needles” sensation in your extremities and/or numbness or tingling in the hands, legs, or feet.
  6. YOUR HEART- Vitamin B12, B6, and folic acid work together help to reduce homocysteine, which is a protein that can build up in blood and damage arterial walls, thus playing a role in heart disease. When B12 is low, it can’t do its job effectively, which means your heart is at risk.
  7. YOUR ENERGY- One of the most notable vitamin B12 benefits is a boost in energy. So if you’re feeling sluggish and you’re not sure why, a lack of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) may be to blame. This water-soluble vitamin aids in red blood cell formation, which prevents against a type of anemia that can often make people feel weak and tired.
  8. YOUR MOUTH- There are many signs your tongue can reveal about your health, and a B12 deficiency is one of them. A mild deficiency can trigger tongue inflammation.


Energy Zen is a concentrate B12 in bioavailable liquid form. Not only is this bottle filled with the necessary B12 for daily function, but it’s also a Complex meaning it contains Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Niacin, and Pantothenic Acid. These combines make for an essential supplement for most individuals.

More Benefits of Energy Zen:

  1. Vitamin B6- Helps to prevent against brain diseases and brain fog, smoother hormone function, improves mood, an effective anemia treatment, enhances eye health, reduces inflammation, helps PMS, helps promote a better nights sleep, and reduces morning sickness.
  2. Riboflavin- Aids in energy production, promotes function of red blood cells, regulates the thyroid, promotes healthy skin and eyes, slows the progression of AIDS, boosts mineral absorption in the body, strengthens immune system and digestive system, and ensures proper growth of organs.
  3. Niacin- Improves proper functioning of nerves, appetite and digestion, relieves skin irritation, lowers blood pressure, aids in the conversion of nutrients to energy, and is beneficial in treating diabetes.
  4. Pantothenic Acid- Reduces stress, builds stamina, stimulates adrenal hormones, assists liver in toxin removal, promotes healthy skin and hair, and strengthens the immune system.