
Get Ready For The BEST Sleep Of Your Life (Enclosed)

Fall Asleep, Stay Asleep, & Regulate Your Sleep Cycle.


Why is sleep so important you ask? We have a list for you!

  • Stress Relief: If your body doesn’t get enough sleep, it can react by producing an elevated level of stress hormones, which are a natural result of today’s fast-paced lifestyles.
  • Improvement of Memory: Ever noticed that when you’re really tired it’s harder to remember things? Basically, this is your brain telling you that it’s not getting enough sleep. When you sleep well, your body may be resting but your brain is busy organizing and storing memories. So getting more quality sleep will help you remember and process things better.
  • Lowers Blood Pressure: Higher blood pressure increases your chances of heart attacks and strokes, but getting plenty of restful sleep encourages a constant state of relaxation that can help reduce blood pressure and generally keep it under control.
  • Raises Immunity: While you’re sleeping your body is producing extra protein molecules that can strengthen your ability to fight infections. If you’re feeling a bit run down and don’t want it to turn into a full-blown cold, go to bed early and get lots of rest.
  • Maintains Healthy Weight: Unfortunately, sleep won’t directly make you lose weight, but it can help you keep it under control by regulating the hormones that affect your appetite and reducing your cravings for high calorie foods.
  • Elevates Mood: Lack of sleep can make us more agitated, so we’re more likely to snap at our boss or be grumpy with a loved one – neither of which is a good thing. The better you sleep, the better your ability to stay calm, controlled and reasonable.
  • Reduces Risk of Diabetes: Some research studies have shown that not getting enough sleep may lead to type 2 diabetes by affecting how your body processes glucose. It’s not conclusive by any means, but it’s yet another indication of how important the benefits of sleep can be.
  • Keeps Your Heart Healthy: A regular sleep pattern can help to lower the levels of stress and inflammation to your cardiovascular system, which in turn can reduce your chances of a heart condition.
  • Enhances Your Mind: Along with a great night’s sleep, grabbing a quick nap in the daytime can contribute towards making your brain more effective and productive. You won’t necessarily be answering all the questions on University Challenge, but you may well feel sharper, more attentive, and focused throughout the day.
  • Aids In Pain Relief: If you’re suffering pain from a recent injury like a sprained ankle, getting plenty of sleep can actually make it hurt less. Many studies have shown a link between sleep loss and a lower pain threshold. Basically the more sleep you get, the less pain you might be in.

(Just to name a few!)

Why Should You Go Natural Opposed To Over-The-Counter Sleeping Pills?

The number one reason: Risk of Addiction. Sleeping pills pose a serious risk of physical dependence, especially when taken for longer than two weeks. Individuals often lack understanding of how quickly tolerance develops with sleeping pills, especially when someone takes an extra pill here and there. Tolerance can result in physical dependence and/or an addiction. Which can lead to another list of serious side effects, illness, and in severe cases even death.

Another big reason to go natural is to combat the grogginess that comes with regular sleeping pills. Sure, it will knock you out and help you get to sleep like you want but the morning after is usually hard to get through (harder to simply get out of bed). When you use natural ingredients such as Melatonin, the risk of fatigue the morning after is still there if you don’t take the proper amount for your body or the right blend of ingredients. That’s why we strive to do the intensive research for you here at Zen so you don’t have to worry!


Which brings us to our NEW PRODUCT! Introducing: SNOOZVILLE GUMMIES


Say goodbye to restless nights of “sleep”. We’ve formulated Snoozville Gummies to do exactly what they say and to help you naturally relax and improve your quality of sleep with the most simple ingredients list to ensure safety and fast results. These gummies contain three super important nutrients that allow the magic to happen:

1. Vitamin B6: benefits the body by converting the amino acid tryptophan into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate levels of the sleep hormone melatonin. Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that helps regulate nervous system activity related to relaxation and sleep. Vitamin B6 converts a small amount of the tryptophan in your body to niacin, or vitamin B3, and serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate sleep patterns.

By failing to obtain an adequate amount of dietary vitamin B6 , the body’s metabolism of tryptophan may be disturbed. This may limit the amount of serotonin in the body, potentially leading to disturbed sleep patterns and insomnia. A lack of vitamin B6 can cause irritability, depression and confusion. Depression is a known cause of sleep disturbances, including insomnia.

It can also help you to recall your dreams! How cool?!

2. Passiflora Extract: another calming herb that increases the levels of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) which regulates mood. This extract has a sedative effect beneficial for both sleep and anxiety.

  • Passion flower inhibits GABA reuptake. This means the herb prevents the brain from absorbing GABA and increases the concentration of GABA in the brain. Passion flower does not cross the blood-brain barrier.
  • Passionflower has no affect on GABA release.
  • Passionflower also binds to the GABA-B receptor. Passiflora acts as modulators to help decrease anxiety and create a calming effect.
  • Passion flower does not bind to the GABA-A receptor. This explains the lack of addiction potential in contrast to chemical sedatives or pills.
  • Unlike Passion flower, pharmaceutical pills, such as benzodiazepines, and alcohol bind to the GABA-A receptor causing side-effects.

There is also no concern for short-term or long term use of passion flower as a sleep aid.

3. Melatonin: a natural hormone beneficial in regulating the circadian rhythm that promotes consistent, quality sleep. When taken as a supplement or sleep aid, the controlled-release of exogenous melatonin works by increasing melatonin production, the hormone found naturally in the body. Melatonin supplements are effective when used correctly. Melatonin supplements and sleep aids do not initiate sleep for individuals experiencing sleep disorders. Rather, the prolonged-release of melatonin administration is a body clock regulator.

Melatonin supplementation can be particularly effective in helping with sleep problems such as jet lag, non-24-hour sleep-wake disorder or patients taking beta-blockers. Melatonin treatment for age-related insomnia and other conditions A-Z, like jet lag, can help our hormones to reset the timing of your need to fall asleep. It also supports our circadian rhythm reminding your body that it needs to start melatonin secretion.

Don’t let another sleepless night pass you by! Order yours today!