
You Need This Immunity Superhero

Getting sick is no fun, ever. It doesn’t only take a major toll on our health, but also our lives. Calling out of work, not being able to think straight to work from home, being stressed and making it worse, or even having to be quarantined with no outside contact meanwhile you’re feeling absolutely terrible. It’s all just too much to handle sometimes. Getting sick sometimes is a part of life, but taking preventive action is essential to avoiding catching the worst and or catching those pesky viruses often. That’s why Zen In A Bottle has created the perfect immunity superhero blend to conquer any sort of sickness that tries to enter your body by creating a strong, powerful, balanced immune system. Our Elderberry Immunity Powder with Vitamin C and Zinc, is an easy and delicious way to take action in improving your body’s defenses!

Elderberry has been all the rage in the past two years despite being an ancient form of medicine for immunity for a long time. The rise in natural wellness topics being discussed and recent the pandemic has made it more known worldwide. This little berry holds many different benefits, however the primary one is to keep you well and your body working at optimum levels in order to fight off illnesses.

Benefits of Elderberry:

Elderberries contain many vitamins and nutrients that can benefit people’s health.

One cup of elderberries contains 106 calories and 26.68 grams (g) of carbohydrate. A cup also contains the following vitamins and minerals:

870 mg of vitamin A
406 mg of potassium
52.2 mg of vitamin C
9 mg of folate
55 mg of calcium
2.32 mg of iron
Elderberries are also an excellent source of fiber, containing 10.2 g of dietary fiber per cup. This makes up a large amount of the recommended daily intake, which according to Dietary Guidelines for Americans is 34 g for men and 28 g for women.

Meeting daily fiber recommendations can have the following health benefits:

-prevent constipation
-improve bowel function
-protect against colorectal cancer
-reduce blood pressure
-protect against cardiovascular disease
-lower blood cholesterol

1. Cold And Flu

When you come down with a cold—or worse, the flu—you want relief fast. You may have heard that elderberry can help you kick your cold or flu more quickly. And if you walk into a vitamin store or even some supermarkets during flu season, you’ll probably see the aisles stocked with elderberry supplements, elderberry syrup, and elderberry extract. Plenty of lab research (in other words, research not done on humans) has shown that elderberry extracts can fend off cold and flu. One study, for instance, found that two of the flavonoids in elderberry bind to the flu virus H1N1 and prevent it from infecting host cells.

2. Heart Health

Because elderberries are rich in three types of flavanols — naturally occurring compounds in plants with antioxidant properties — they may help to improve heart health. Some studies have linked flavanol to a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease. Research has also shown elderberries can reduce fat levels in the blood, lower cholesterol, and improve blood sugar levels. Research on elderberries’ effects on chronic diseases is ongoing and often controversial. Since many studies on elderberries have been performed only on rats, further research on humans is needed.

3. Constipation

Drinking tea made from dried elderberry may aid in the treatment of constipation. This laxative effect is attributed to a compound in elderberry known as anthraquinone. Also found in rhubarb and senna, anthraquinone inhibits the absorption of water in the intestines. This increases the intestinal pressure, stimulating muscles contractions (peristalsis) to promote clearance of the bowel. Although there is little medical literature related to elderberry’s laxative properties, it appears to be safe when used for up to five days.

4. Pain Relief

Anthocyanins are known to reduced inflammation. Those in elderberry do so by inhibiting the production of nitric oxide by the body’s immune cells.Nitric oxide serves as a signaling molecule that triggers inflammation in response to injury or disease. By tempering this response, pain and swelling may be relieved.Topical elderberry tinctures and salves have long been used in folk medicine to treat dental pain, cuts, bruises, and burns. There are even some who claim that elderberry syrup can treat sciatica and other forms of neuropathic pain. Unfortunately, there have been few studies investigating elderberry’s anti-inflammatory or analgesic (pain-relieving) benefits in humans.

Not only does one scoop of Elderberry Immunity hold all of these benefits, but also the positive immune boosting effects of Vitamin C and Zinc. As an antioxidant, Vitamin C fights free radicals in the body which may help prevent or delay certain cancers and heart disease, and promote healthy aging. Vitamin C also seems to reduce the risk of cartilage loss in those with osteoarthritis. Though it may not keep you from catching a cold, there is some evidence that high doses of vitamin C may decrease the length of cold symptoms by as much as one to one-and-a-half days for some people. Zinc is important too because it’s an essential trace element that plays an important role in many physiological functions. One of the key functions of zinc is its influence on the immune system. Zinc is required for the development and functioning of immune cells in the innate and the adaptive immune system. Elderberry Immunity also includes a variety of other essential nutrients within the powder for a well-rounded scoop of wellness for your body!


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