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How to control sugar cravings this holiday season

The joy of eating delicious food with family and friends during the holidays can quickly turn into a nightmare when sugar cravings kick in.

While it is a fantastic time of the year to catch up with people and feel that special holiday spirit, it can also be a tough time for those who want to eat healthy food — especially when faced with a sea of candy canes, chocolate Santas, and festive pies and cakes.

If you’re struggling to control your sugar cravings this holiday season, we’re sharing some of the best tips to help you satisfy your sweet tooth and enjoy the festive period without overindulging.

Why do you crave sugar?

Most people think sugar cravings are simply due to a lack of willpower. However, the reality is much more complicated than that. Your body is designed to crave sugar when you need energy — which is why you might find yourself reaching for a sugary snack when you’re feeling tired.

Sugar can give you an instant energy boost, but it’s not always the best solution in the long term as it can lead to a sugar crash later on.

Other factors can contribute to an intense sugar craving, including:

  • Changes in blood sugar levels: When your blood sugar drops (for example, after skipping a meal or working out), your body will release hormones that signal to your brain that you need energy, which can lead to cravings for sweet foods.
  • Emotional eating: Stress, anxiety, and depression are common during the holiday season and can trigger sweet cravings as a way to cope.
  • Food addiction: Some people may be addicted to the high that comes from eating sugar. Sugar addiction is similar to other types of addiction and can be difficult to overcome without help.
  • Genetic factors: Sugar cravings may be partially because of genetic factors, such as a family history of addiction or obesity.

Additionally, some research has shown that magnesium deficiency can be linked to poor blood sugar regulation, especially in diabetes patients. If you find yourself constantly craving sweets, it might be worth considering whether you’re getting enough critical nutrients in your diet.

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Ways to control sugar cravings

While it may not be easy to eliminate sugar cravings during the holidays altogether, you can do a few things to try to control them.

1. Have a filling meal when you’re hungry

Craving is different from hunger, and you shouldn’t mistake one for the other.

When you’re hungry, your body is telling you that it needs energy, so reach for a filling and nutritious meal or snack instead of something sugary.

In this case, protein and healthy fat will be your best friend as they tend to help stabilize blood glucose levels. Combining protein with complex carbs is also a great way to help control cravings while satisfying your hunger.

2. Pair your craving with something filling

If you’re really craving something sweet, try to find a healthier alternative that will also help fill you up.

For example, if you’re craving chocolate, pair it with some nuts, seeds, or fruits like berries or bananas for a filling snack. If you’re after something more savory, try popcorn with Parmesan cheese instead of chips for your Christmas movie night. Or if you’re hankering for some holiday cake or cookies, go for a higher-fiber option like whole grain bread or oatmeal.

These complex carbs will take longer to digest, which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and prevent those dreaded sugar crashes. This way, you’ll get the sweetness you’re craving along with some added nutrients and fiber.

3. Balance out your diet

Make it a habit to eat a balanced diet with plenty of healthy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. It will ensure that your blood sugar level stays steady throughout the day and reduce the likelihood of experiencing drastic dips that can trigger sugar cravings.

For example, if you’re planning to make a big holiday dinner, try to balance it with healthy meals and snacks earlier in the day, like eggs and avocado toast for breakfast or a spinach salad with grilled chicken for lunch.

You can make a batch of roasted Brussels sprouts or roasted sweet potatoes as a side dish and enjoy a moderate portion of your favorite holiday dessert.

If you’re heading to a party with lots of sugary and processed foods, make sure to eat something filling beforehand, so you’re not tempted to overindulge. Something as simple as a banana with peanut butter or an apple with almond butter is a great option to control your sugar intake.

4. Avoid triggers

Most of the time, we crave sugary foods when we see or smell them. So, if you know that a particular food is your trigger, try to avoid it as much as possible.

This may mean splitting a dessert with a friend during holiday dinners, choosing a low-sugar level version of your favorite ice cream or cake, or opting for savory snacks with no added sugar like sweet potatoes, guacamole, flatbreads, and crackers. While it may be difficult at the moment, it can help you to avoid an unnecessary sugar binge.

If you have trouble resisting temptation, bring along some healthy snacks with you, like your favorite fruit, low-carb snacks, or nuts to help tide you over until you can have a proper meal.

5. Move when you can

Exercise can help regulate blood sugar levels and reduce stress, both of which can help to control sugar cravings. So, if you’re feeling the urge to snack, go for a walk, do some light stretching, or take a yoga class.

You don’t have to go all out at the gym — any type of movement can be helpful in this case. The added bonus is that you’ll also get some much-needed fresh air and vitamin D.

Small steps you can do every day to curb sugar cravings

  • Stay hydrated: Dehydration can sometimes be mistaken for hunger, so make sure you’re drinking enough water during the day. Aim for eight glasses a day, carry a water bottle with you, and take regular sips, especially if you’re feeling fatigued or have a headache.
  • Eat regularly: Skipping meals can trigger sugar cravings as your blood sugar levels drop. To avoid this, eat regular meals and snacks throughout the day. This will help to keep your energy levels up and prevent cravings.
  • Avoid sugary drinks: Sugary drinks are one of the worst offenders when it comes to sugar cravings. Ditch the soda, fruit juices, and energy drinks with a lot of added sugar, and stick to water or unsweetened tea and coffee instead.
  • Get enough sleep: Sleep deprivation can lead to cravings as your body looks for a quick energy fix. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep – seven to nine hours a night.

Feel Zen without the sugar high this holiday season

Sugar cravings can be tough to deal with, especially during the holidays when sweets are everywhere. It becomes a cycle in which you eat sugary foods, which then leads to more cravings, and before you know it, you’re on a blood sugar roller coaster that’s hard to get off of.

The best way to break this cycle is to be mindful of what you’re eating and try to make a conscious effort to choose healthier options.

And, whenever you do have a craving, remember that it’s OK to enjoy an odd sweet treat during the holidays — after all, it is a special time of the year. Just don’t go overboard.

If you find that you’re still struggling to control your cravings, a daily dose of Blood Sugar Reset will help take the edge off your cravings by helping balance out your blood sugar levels.

Made with vitamins, minerals, and herbs scientifically proven to help lower blood sugar naturally, it can be handy when those holiday sweets start calling your name.

Manage your cravings this holiday season and beyond with Blood Sugar Reset. Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday!