
Magnesium and Immunity

Let’s start with a little refresher as to what Magnesium is and what it does in your body. Magnesium is one of the most essential minerals for the human body, and yet almost everyone is deficient due to our modern and stressful lifestyles. It assists the body with over 300, yes thats right THREE HUNDRED, different functions, so you can easily see how being low on this vital mineral could cause endless health issues.

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body and plays numerous important roles in the health of your body and brain. However, even if you eat a healthy diet you may not be getting enough of it to achieve optimal health.

Magnesium helps with:

  • Energy creation: Helps convert food into energy.


  • Protein formation: Helps create new proteins from amino acids.


  • Gene maintenance: Helps create and repair DNA and RNA.


  • Muscle movements: Is part of the contraction and relaxation of muscles.


  • Nervous system regulation: Helps regulate neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system.


Unfortunately, studies suggest that about 50% of people in the US and Europe get less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium which means usig a supplement is your best option for achieving the best results.

  • Today Magnesium deficiency has become a common issue to many of us.We’re eating an extreme level of refined foods, which contain very less quantity of magnesium. Even the healthiest foods can be low in magnesium .Many of us live in such areas, where fluoride is added to drinking water. Fluoride binds to magnesium, making it less bioavailable.
  • Chronic stress which has a  capacity to steal magnesium. It causes magnesium to be excreted during urination.
  • Several demographics are at increased risk for low magnesium including alcoholics, diabetics, and seniors.Gastrointestinal diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and intestinal flora imbalance prevent magnesium absorption.


Magnesium can also play a huge role in our ability to fight off illness effectively. Our immune system can’t function properly without the enough Magnesium, or recover quickly after illness. Magnesium works to create and repair DNA, which is how it tremendously helps our bodies to heal and re-balance.

Besides being anti-inflammatory, magnesium helps the immune system direct it to create antibodies that protect us from bacterial, microbial and most importantly, viral attacks. The thymus gland also is pivotal to immune system health and magnesium deficiency has been show to accelerate “thymus involution” which is the natural shrinking of the thymus as we age.

Did you know that high levels of stress and anxiety can also decrease immune function? Magnesium helps to bind and stimulate GABA receptors in the brain. GABA stands for Gamma -Aminobutyric Acid, which is a primary inhibitory neurotransmitter, one that slows brain activity. When GABA is low, your brain gets stuck in the “on” position and it is very hard to relax. A low GABA level is connected with numerous stress-related disorders including generalized anxiety disorder and panic attacks.

Magnesium is also an anti-inflammatory. Brain inflammation which has been linked to countless neurological and psychiatric disorders including anxiety, depression, substance abuse, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s. Magnesium which is linked to high levels of pro -inflammatory markers.

Heavy metals such as mercury, lead, and aluminum are linked to anxiety, as well as a long list of neurological disorders. Gradually they can cross your brain’s filter and accumulate in the brain. Magnesium does a wonderful job at removing these heavy metals over time also helping to diminish anxiety and depression, along with many other mental ailments.

In a 2017 review of 18 different studies, researchers examined mild anxiety, anxiety during premenstrual syndrome, postpartum anxiety, and generalized anxiety. Results indicated that magnesium helped improve symptoms!

Researchers noted the reason why magnesium is beneficial may be due to its ability to boost brain function. Specifically, it affects the hypothalamus part of the brain, which controls the adrenal glands. These glands produce cortisol, “the stress hormone.” The higher the magnesium in your body, the lower the cortisol.

Along with regulating the neurotransmitters in your brain, magnesium also affects the production of melatonin (the sleep hormone) and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system – the system that calms the mind and body. Studies show that if you don’t have enough magnesium, it can cause sleep deprivation and in severe cases, insomnia- which can lead to increased anxiety.

The likelihood of you needing more Magnesium in your diet is high, and as you can see highly essential. Whether it’s for treating anxiety or any other of the 300 functions, it’s worth having our high quality, bioavailable supplement, 300 Zens, to regulate your nervous system and help you to live a more calm, happy, and healthy life!